Emergency Preparedness

In the event of an emergency affecting our neighborhood – such as a wildfire, earthquake, extended power outage, etc – the URHOA Board has in place a phone/email/text tree to alert our members.

We ask that any Association member or guest, upon becoming aware of an emergency, immediately contact any member of the Board (click on a Board Member’s name to the right for email).

The Board will then disseminate the information internally and to the other Association members.  Members of the Board living on each of our Association’s four streets (Umeo, Casale, San Onofre, and Alta Mura) would be responsible for contacting the members on their street, insuring that all other residents receive timely notification of the emergency situation by phone, email, or text.

We hope that this procedure will result in both allowing our members to take appropriate action in response to an emergency as well as getting assistance to any members in need.

Please review the specific guidelines below for what to do in the event of various emergencies:


General Fire

Power Outage

Earthquake (CDC)

Earthquake (CalQuake)

Extreme Heat

House Fire

Terrorism Attack


Active Shooter


And please review the following sites for general info on preparedness:


SoCal Gas




Red Cross